Case Study - Enhancing Customer Engagement with QuizWizard

Learn how QuizWizard empowers businesses to easily create, manage, and showcase interactive quizzes, letting their content and customer engagement shine.

Our In-House Creation
End-to-End Web Development & Design


QuizWizard is a user-friendly platform that empowers businesses to create interactive quizzes from their content, allowing for greater engagement and connection with their audience. Our collaboration with Studio was instrumental in enhancing our platform and online presence.

Our work involved developing a customized Content Management System (CMS) tailored to QuizWizard's needs, ensuring they have full control over their quiz content. We also optimized their website to improve its visibility in relevant search results, making it easier for businesses to discover and leverage the power of interactive quizzes.

This case study showcases our in-house project, QuizWizard, a platform dedicated to helping businesses build trust and engagement through interactive and customized quizzes.

What we did

  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • tRPC
  • Supabase
  • Drizzle ORM
  • Railway
  • Cloudflare
  • Figma
  • Stripe

At QuizWizard, our goal was more than just creating another quiz creation platform. We wanted to give businesses a tool to truly connect with their customers through interactive content. Working alongside Studio, we felt a deep synergy. Their dedication ensured our vision was translated into a platform that truly serves both businesses and their customers alike.

Pranjal Soni
Founder of Quizwizard
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